Project Description

Audi A4

Paint Correction, Enhancement and Protection

One Audi with the lot please! Earlier this week we attended to a battered and bruised A4, showing all signs of a neglected past life severely covering up the true potential.
Over two days in surgery, carrying out a full paint correction and enhancement we managed to beat our expectations and remove 5 years of damage. From standard swirling to heavy scrapes and paint transfers. Parts of the heavy scrapping that couldn’t be removed safely have been numbed down to the point were they are unnoticeable to the naked eye.
Dramatically transforming the finish back to a better than factory standard, Kamikaze Zipang was applied to all painted surfaces to ensure a crucial layer of protection with unrivalled levels of gloss and performance. taking a 5 year old car that looked like a 20 year old car into a ONE day old car.